4 Clever Ways You Can Save Money When Hiring a Self-storage Unit

Even though hiring some self-storage space might be a great relief, it is an expense that must be kept as low as possible. You need value for your money by storing as much as possible for the smallest price. This is not easy though. You have to look for information thoroughly, sell a few things or get rid of some of them (which can be very hard to do when they have some sentimental value). To get the most of a hired storage unit, here are some top tips to help you save money on a self-storage unit.

Just store the Good Stuff

Ideally, you wouldn't want to spend money on a self-storage unit and then fill it with valueless trinkets. You must scrutinise everything that you want to put in the hired unit and get rid of what isn't worth the price you are paying. In this way, you will conveniently avoid converting your self-storage unit into a pricey garbage bin.

A good way of getting rid of the items you don't need is to donate them to charity or hold a garage sale in your garden. A garage sale will convert some or all of that junk into cash that will help you subsidise the expenses on your hired storage unit. Weekends are the ideal dates for holding a garage sale since most of your target will be free and able to attend. Lastly, make sure that you consult your local authority about any necessary permits for a garage sale to avoid unprecedented closure of the event or fines.  

Don't Miss out on Discounts

Certainly, there is lots of competition among various self-storage service providers. They try to woo customers through aggressive promotions and advertisements. Whether you will be using the unit for a few days, weeks or months, ask about any available discounts, which can cut costs significantly. Typically, deals can range from ten to twenty-five percent or prolonged periods where you can use the storage space free of charge.

Find Alternative Storage for Bulky Items

Are you in a position to call in a good friend or family member and ask if he or she has some extra storage space? If so, you can use that to store bulky items that are forcing you to hire a large self-storage unit. In this way, you'll be left with small items that will keep your space requirements quite lower. Smaller space will typically be cheaper unless you need some special storage conditions such as refrigeration.
