Move Like an Egyptian: Conducting Your Move With the Logistical Skill of the Ancient Egyptians

Moving house is never an easy task. You have a million and one decisions to make, people to manage, and a house full of possessions. If you don't plan ahead you could be in for a logistical catastrophe. Fortunately, the ancient Egyptians left behind the ideal blueprint for a stress-free move when they set out to construct and complete the Great Pyramid of Giza.

Plan Ahead and Take Your Time

The Egyptians used approximately 2.3 million stones to build the Great Pyramid of Giza. Moving such a large number of stones would have taken considerable planning beforehand. It has been said that workers prepared for this by creating ramps to move the blocks into place. They knew ahead of time where everything was going to be and how to move it. 

When planning your move, you can use the same principles to save time. Make sure you:

  • Label boxes and furniture so movers know which room to place them in.
  • Pack one room at a time and label it to avoid confusion.
  • Nominate one room per floor as a temporary storage point while you clear clutter from other rooms. 
  • Plan your routes to avoid collisions and accidents.
  • Nominate drop off points in the house with workers at each point if possible.

Pack and Stack for the Long Haul

It's common knowledge that large boxes go first, followed by small boxes when stacking. However, even the ancient Egyptians got this wrong when constructing "The Southern Shining Pyramid," also known as the Bent Pyramid because of its unusual angle, which changes at the halfway point. It is said that the builders of the pyramid changed the angle because they feared that the pyramid would collapse should they continue at that steep angle. 

Don't make the same mistake the Egyptians did. Stack your boxes and furniture correctly from the start so that you don't have to go back later and readjust everything. In fact, when your boxes are stacked as they should be you will end up with your very own pyramids; a testament to your organisational ingenuity. 

Provide Adequate Food and Refreshments

When the day arrives, you could be in for a few hours of intensive labor. The Egyptians kept their workers well-fed on sheep, goats, cattle, fish, beans and lentils. Your own mini-workforce will also require sustenance to keep them strong and fit for the move. Plan ahead and make sure that when break time comes around, there is plenty of good protein rich food available to feed aching muscles. 

We've come a long way since the Pyramids were built but that doesn't mean we can't learn from the tradesmen and laborers that constructed them. The Great Pyramid of Giza took an estimated two decades, and thousands of tradesmen and laborers to complete. Your move should be infinitely less complicated, especially if you learn to move like an ancient Egyptian. 

Contact a removalist for more information about moving.
